Lucy Smith
[email protected]
website link
blog: Ten Weeks in Seville
Placement organisation: EDDEA (Seville)
[email protected]
website link
blog: Ten Weeks in Seville
Placement organisation: EDDEA (Seville)
I was selected for the EU funded internship 2013 wave following the research developed in my final year thesis project. This investigated the interaction between vernacular architecture and sustainable design in Berber villages of the Ourika Valley, Morocco and became a focus for my investigation in Seville. Working with EDDEA Arquitectos in the citythinking team, I helped develop a masterplan proposal for the city’s port and the Guadalquivir River exploring innovation design approaches and technologies. I also recorded my time in Andalucía on my blog and since returning from Seville have joined Designscape Architects in Bath. The placement was a great opportunity to experience architecture in a different environment and collaborate with some really inspiring designers.